Sugar Lifestyle

Sugar lifestyle is no longer the fabulous and fabled, yet somewhat dubious niche of dating that it once was: Thanks to the rise of luxury lifestyle bloggers and influencers on app like Instagram and the like. more and more attractive young women become obsessed with a life of endless travels, luxury and lavish treats. Are sugar daddies the perfect partners in crime to finance the extravagant sugar lifestyle dreams of a new generation of sugar babies?


Sugar lifestyle: Attractive women living large in their early twenties

How social media sites do their part in making the sugar lifestyle aspirational

Sugar lifestyle on Instagram

Many sugar babies have their sugar daddies cover their travel and sugar lifestyle needs financially

Sugar lifestyle is materialism 2.0

Many young women see sugar lifestyle as an additional source of income

Sugar lifestyle means living beyond one’s means without having to care about the financial consequences

Why do so many young women find the sugar lifestyle attractive?

Reasons for having an Instagram profile to use in dating apps

Can you fit your sugar lifestyle into your normal social life?

What it means to find the right balance between sugar lifestyle and reality


Sugar lifestyle: Attractive women living large in their early twenties

Would you rather live life to the fullest when you’re young and beautiful or spend your twenties working hard on your career, hoping that maybe one day you will be successful enough to afford all the things you’re dreaming of right now? To be honest, I always thought that it seemed paradox to waste the short years of youth you got without knowing what is to come afterwards. I have seen it with the majority of my friends: They worked so hard climbing up the ladder in a job they hate, sacrificing evenings and weekends for the promise of a sucessful career. Then a few years later reality kicked in: They missed out on the best years of their life. While they have disposable income now, they are constantly stressed and have no time to enjoy it.

I always knew what I wanted and where I wanted to be. That’s why I decided to go after guys who were successful and caring enough to  support me financially. Of course I didn’t give up my career, but being the sugar baby of a rich guy meant that I could be much more relaxed. It meant that I could take my time to progress and grow without career pressure. I never had to worry about my finances and quickly got used to the sugar lifestyle my sugar daddy introduced me to.

How social media sites do their part in making the sugar lifestyle aspirational

How social media sites do their part in making the sugar lifestyle aspirational
How social media sites do their part in making the sugar lifestyle aspirational

A couple of years ago, social media profiles on apps like Instagram were mostly used to share holiday pics and similar everday stuff with your friends. However, it didn’t take too long until the social network generation discovered that all the public exposure and attention could also be good for something else. By having the control what we share and how we present ourselves, we can build up an aspirational, attractive online personality. No wonder apps like Instagram are now widely used for dating and it’s most successsful bloggers are followed by tenthousands of fans who envy the luxurious and seemingly flawless lives of their idols.

The consequences are not surprising. In a time where young women work on their social media presence by flashing luxury goods or sharing pictures of their lavish holidays, what makes a desirable lifestyle have shifted. We all got a taste of the extravagant sugar lifestyle of the idols we follow on Instagram and are left with a growing hunger to participate in the game.


Sugar lifestyle on Instagram

Sugar lifestyle on Instagram
Sugar lifestyle on Instagram

There are many successful influencers on Instagram who don’t even pretend to be down to earth and modest: They’re living the dream of a successful sugar baby’s sugar lifestyle by showing off with their luxury handbags and other expensive gifts they receive from their generous admirers. One thing might surprise you, though: It’s not all about champagne and luxuy labels. The most important ingredient to a sugar lifestyle on Instagram are actually travel posts.

Apparently it’s seeing holiday pictures taken at exotic locations and in the most luxurious resorts and hotels that wets the appetites in us to live a similar lifestyle. Or at least that’s what the number of followers of the most succesful sugar lifestyle influencers suggests. Sugar babies that frequently blog about their never-ending travel adventures (all paid by their sugar daddies) seem to do particularly well. In the end this shouldn’t come as a surprise: It has been widely reported that Millennials value travel more than most other things in life. If you can afford to travel, you live well, and you make experiences that live on for a lifetime.


Many sugar babies have their sugar daddies cover their travel and sugar lifestyle needs financially

All the luxuious trips come at a price that most of us can’t afford by ourselves, though. I admired the exciting lives of my favorite Instagrammers and knew that I wanted to be part of the game. Dating older men allowed me to travel to breathtaking sights and cities without ever having to worry about my budget. It isn’t even particularly hard to find a rich older man on a dating app who would invite you on a holiday: Many successful businessmen look for company when they plan a trip, and they don’t mind at all to play sugar daddy for an attractive, young female as company.

Many sugar babies have their sugar daddies cover their travel and sugar lifestyle needs financially
Many sugar babies have their sugar daddies cover their travel and sugar lifestyle needs financially

Funnily enough, while the most successful men can have all the things in the world money can buy, they sometimes struggle to find female company. Long working hours and full calendars with meetings after meetins and frequent business trips leave very little time for dating. Therefore, finding a sugar baby to invite on a trip is a win-win situation for both. As a sugar baby, you get to see the world for free and stay in hotels you probably wouldn’t be able to afford on your own. Your sugar daddy gets somebody to spend his limited free time with without having to go through the pains of actual dating!

What sugar daddies and sugar babies enjoy about the sugar lifestyle

What sugar daddies and sugar babies enjoy about the sugar lifestyle
What sugar daddies and sugar babies enjoy about the sugar lifestyle
Sugar Baby Sugar Daddy
Dating a confident, mature partner with experience Still being able to date younger, beautiful women
Being able to afford luxury Spoiling a fun-loving, gorgeous young girlfriend
Traveling to exotic destiations, all expenses paid for Having a travel companion for spontaneous trips and weekend getways


Sugar lifestyle is materialism 2.0

Sugar lifestyle is materialism 2.0
Sugar lifestyle is materialism 2.0

There is one downside that comes with living the sugar lifestyle, though: You get used to the travel and all the luxury all too quickly! Sugar lifestyle is a celebration of materialism. Once you’re a sugar baby, you have no problem to spend money on expensive things. As a result, you quickly develop an extravagant taste. With the generous monthly allowance you receive from your admirers and sugar daddies, you can suddenly afford all the things you always dreamt of, and then some!

I always knew that my time as a generous sugar daddy’s attractive young girlfriend wouldn’t last forever. That’s why I tried to keep at least one foot on the ground at all times. As much as I love the luxury and being able to travel without constraints, I also know that I can’t get too dependent on my sugar daddy’s financial support. For the time being, it allows me to live the real sugar lifestyle. Right now it’s still a blast for me. At the same time, I save up some of my monthly allowance for whatever comes after.


Many young women see sugar lifestyle as an additional source of income

Many young women see sugar lifestyle as an additional source of income
Many young women see sugar lifestyle as an additional source of income

Sugar lifestyle is not just about being spoiled by a rich guy. For many sugar babies, the monthly allowance they receive from their sugar daddies is like a second income. They can save up for their tuition, rent, or to even buy their own place at some point. Taking advantage of your sugar daddy’s financial support allows you to plan bigger projects than just buying a new designer bag or dress.

For example, you may want to save up for a mortgage. If you’re living in a big city like LA, New York or London, you’re usually out of luck, though. The real estate prices are so ridiculously inflated that even with a decent salary you are often left behind. That is, unless you date a generous guy who can help you out financially…

Sugar lifestyle means living beyond one’s means without having to care about the financial consequences

You may argue that you don’t need a rich sugar daddy just to save up for bigger investments and projects. However, for most of us this means that we have to be willing to make painful trade-offs. Spend or save? Treat yourself or go guilt-free and choose the budget option? You see what I’m getting at: Living the sugar lifestyle means you can do both without having to think about the financial consequences. You can spent your allowance and still save. Or in other words: You can experience real luxury that doesn’t come at a price for you.

Sugar lifestyle is all about enjoying life, but still being able to save up and thrive. You can have all the luxury right now if you date the right guy, or you can continue trying without knowing where life will take you. In the end, life is always a gamble. For me, rich dating seemed like the best choice to get where I want. No illusions, no trade-offs.

Why do so many young women find the sugar lifestyle attractive?

As I have explained, social media and the exposure to the luxurious lives of popular influencers and bloggers has left many young women with the desire to make more of their own lives, too. Sugar daddies have become attractive partners because they can offer several of the things these women desire the most:

  • travels to luxurious destinations
  • a lifestyle budget that pays for their expensive tastes
  • maturity and life experience (always a plus in a man!)
  • stability and financial security
Why do so many young women find the sugar lifestyle attractive?
Why do so many young women find the sugar lifestyle attractive?

Sugar Daddy dating apps seem to have become the go-to option for women who want to meet rich guys. Many dating apps now allow sugar babies to link their Instagram profiles to show more about their personality and their lifestyle. Why not just have a dating profile? It helps sugar daddies to understand what a sugar baby may expect from them. You could say that your Instagram profile is like your business card for the online dating world. This makes taking care of it all the more important. What you show online is how you will be perceived. Play the cards to your favoir in the dating game!

Reasons for having an Instagram profile to use in dating apps

  1. It gives your profile more personality
  2. You can easily share a story of your life with potential dates
  3. Photos give your date an idea of your lifestyle and what you expect
  4. It makes your dating profile stand out from fakes


Can you fit your sugar lifestyle into your normal social life?

Can you fit your sugar lifestyle into your normal social life?
Can you fit your sugar lifestyle into your normal social life?

One question I get all the time is how my sugar lifestyle fits into my normal life. I have to admit, it’s a tricky one. While I have some friends who are also sugar babies, most of my girlfriends have pretty standard lives. They date average guys, and they don’t spend big on a night out. For me it’s not a big deal, really. When I’m with my sugar daddy, I know I can go all-in and enjoy luxurious dates in good company. When I’m out with my girls, I still do what I’ve always done. Admittedly with one small difference: Thanks to my sugar daddy’s generous allowance, I can simply have more fun than before!

I do keep my sugar lifestyle away from my family, though. After all I don’t know for how long I will be able to date my sugar daddy. There might come a day where I am done with the over-the-top sugar lifestyle. Maybe I’ll date a guy next door instead. But until that day comes, I will enjoy sugar dating and all the nice financial benefits that come with it as long as possible. I simply love having my financial freedom combined with living the lifestyle I want.

What it means to find the right balance between sugar lifestyle and reality

My approach to my sugar daddy arrangements is that I still have to be able to progress with my own life. I didn’t quit my job just because I have a rich sugar daddy covering most of my expenses. My career is still important to me, and fortunately my sugar daddy is very supportive. He admires how driven and determined I am to become successful myself, and he does what he can to support me on the way. Whenever I am with him, I know that I can let myself go, as he simply loves to spoil me.

For the days when I am not with my sugar daddy, I live my life like I always have, with one small, but important difference. Financial struggles and concerns are a thing of the past. That’s my very own version of living the sugar lifestyle of a successful sugar baby.