Black Sugar Daddy

Black sugar daddy dating is a dating niche in the world of mutually beneficial arrangements and relationships. The term is generally used by sugar babies who specifically look for a black sugar daddy to support them financially. While many dating apps have recently been under fire after accusations by users and media alike that they provide a platform for racial discrimination, black sugar daddy dating appears to have established itself as one of the many shapes and forms of dating in the curious world of arrangements between sugar daddies and their sugar babies.


Black sugar daddy dating in the world of mutually beneficial relationships

Why black sugar daddy dating has become a popular dating niche

Looking for a black sugar daddy – are dating apps intrinsically racist?

Are dating a black sugar daddy and having a specific type the same?

Women looking for a mutually beneficial arrangement are more open to having a black sugar daddy

What it is like to be a black sugar daddy on a dating app full of white sugar babies

Do black sugar babies have a preference for a black sugar daddy?

What black sugar babies expect from their black sugar daddy

Finding the right dating app for a black sugar daddy


Black sugar daddy dating in the world of mutually beneficial relationships

Black sugar daddy dating in the world of mutually beneficial relationships
Black sugar daddy dating in the world of mutually beneficial relationships

For an outsider new to the world of sugar daddy arrangements, many things appear to be curious if not outlandish at first. Not only are relationships between sugar babies and their sugar daddies based on the exchange of money and expensive goods for company, but many sugar daddies and sugar babies are very open about other expectations and preferences that are largely unheard of on your standard dating app.

There are sugar babies looking for very mature men who could be their fathers. Men who want to be called daddy by their sugar babies and who prefer submissive women. Sugar babies stating very precise financial expectations and how they want to be pampered and spoiled by their rich lovers. You can even find sugar daddies looking for a financial dom – a dominant sugar baby who finds pleasure in using (and abusing) her rich sugar daddy’s credit card. And then there are the sugar babies looking for a black sugar daddy.


Why black sugar daddy dating has become a popular dating niche
Why black sugar daddy dating has become a popular dating niche

Many men and women on dating apps for sugar daddy arrangements have something very specific in mind when they look for their next date. While sugar daddies are mostly paying attention to the attractiveness and personality of a prospective sugar baby, sugar babies often prioritize the financial benefits when they agree to meet a sugar daddy. However, there are also women who are genuinely attracted and turned on by the idea of dating a mature guy who takes good care of them both sexually and financially. With so many factors at play when it comes to arrangements, black sugar daddy dating has simply become one of the many dating niches populated by sugar babies looking for a certain something.

This may come as a surprise, as stereotypes of white sugar daddies looking for white or Asian women exist, and admittedly there is some bias against black sugar daddies. It has not gone unnoticed by news outlets and bloggers that many profiles on dating sites state that someone is not interested in dating black men or women. But is the same true for sugar daddy sites? Or is finding a sugar baby just as easy for a black sugar daddy than it is for a white man?


Looking for a black sugar daddy – are dating apps intrinsically racist?

Looking for a black sugar daddy - are dating apps intrinsically racist?
Looking for a black sugar daddy – are dating apps intrinsically racist?

A lot of dating apps have recently been under fire recently for providing a platform where racial discrimination amongst members is common and rarely comes under scrutiny of the providers. While most dating apps ban offensive speech in their terms and conditions and allow members to report profiles they consider inappropriate, it is by no means a rare thing to stumble over a dating profile that specifies race preferences. However, opinons about what is racist and unacceptable differ. Some argue that race is a preference just like a personality type or body type. If you prefer brunette over blonde, why can’t you say you find Asian or white more attractive? And isn’t it more honest and fair to say right from the start what you like or don’t like?

The reality isn’t that simple. Dating apps as a community open to all have a responsibility to at least make everyone feel welcome and accepted. We all have no-gos when it comes to dating and finding partners, but most of us would agree that you do not ask another person to fill out a checklist before you engage in any conversation to ensure they tick all the right boxes. So why should it be acceptable to have a single check box for your racial preference openly in your profile? By doing so, members can create an environment that does not only have the potential to alienate and marginalize specific groups. It also has the potential to encourage people to show a similar behavior in other contexts.


Are dating a black sugar daddy and having a specific type the same?

Are dating a black sugar daddy and having a specific type the same?
Are dating a black sugar daddy and having a specific type the same?

So what about women who look for a black sugar daddy? Truth be told, most sugar babies look for “other qualities” in their potential sugar daddies than looks. Can a sugar daddy spoil me and buy me the things I want? Will he support my admittedly expensive lifestyle? These are typically the top priorities for sugar babies. In order to get where they want, they are often less fussed about types. Some sugar babies are even quiete open to sexual kinks and fetishes. For example, some men are attracted by a very specific type of woman and love their sugar baby to play a role for them whenever they date.

From the perspective of a sugar baby, however, things look a bit different. While their rich daddy is preferably a nice, generous gentleman to go on dates with, the dates are in the end based on mutual benefits. Spending time together is a transaction, and therefore the attitude towards different types of men is more pragamatic. Curiously enough, this results in an overall more open dating culture. When browsing the dating profiles on sugar daddy apps, you will stumble over unusual expectations and requests in no time, which is part of the fun for many.


Women looking for a mutually beneficial arrangement are more open to having a black sugar daddy

Women looking for a mutually beneficial arrangement are more open to having a black sugar daddy
Women looking for a mutually beneficial arrangement are more open to having a black sugar daddy

When it comes to mutually beneficial dating, most women acknowledge that the rules are a bit different. The expectations and standards they would hold up for regular dates with men around the same age are usually not applied. If a sugar baby is too picky and narrow-minded, the chances of finding a wealthy man decrease significantly. The more open a woman is to different types of men, the more likely she is to land a date with a truly fabulous sugar daddy. Not convinced? Here are some facts about mutually beneficial relationships:

  1. Money is the biggest motivator for most sugar babies
  2. Looks and personality are important, but the majority of women makes compromises for the right daddy
  3. Wealthier sugar daddies have the best chances to impress attractive sugar babies
  4. Sugar babies are more open than most other women when it comes to dating

What it is like to be a black sugar daddy on a dating app full of white sugar babies

What it is like to be a black sugar daddy on a dating app full of white sugar babies
What it is like to be a black sugar daddy on a dating app full of white sugar babies

As a black sugar daddy, you may think that the environment on sugar daddy dating apps is similar to other dating platforms. It won’t take long and you will probably notice that most sugar babies invest more time in detailing their expectations in terms of lifestyle and financial support than anything else. If you have subjected yourself to the oftentimes close-minded if not borderline obnoxious profiles on mainstream dating apps, you will probably find this pretty refreshing. “You want to be my sugar daddy? Let’s talk business.” No beating around the bush: Both parties put their cards on the table and get to the point.

Sugar babies love men to pamper and spoil them. If you have class and can offer them a luxurious dating experience, you won’t have to wait very long to get attention. A rule of thumb for all arrangements: The prettier the sugar baby and the richer the sugar daddy, the more attention they will receive. Sometimes it is true: Diamonds are indeed a girl’s best friends, and a woman makes a man.

Do black sugar babies have a preference for a black sugar daddy?

Do black sugar babies have a preference for a black sugar daddy?
Do black sugar babies have a preference for a black sugar daddy?

So what about black sugar babies? Some black women report that they are frequently fetishized, and the same goes for black men. There are sugar babies – black or not – who explicitly look for a black sugar daddy. Vice versa, some black sugar daddies prefer dating a black woman. Even today some women are simply intrigued by the myths around a strong sex drive and a large endowment. A sexy black guy with a big bank account? For the sugar babies who love black men, the combination is unbeatable. That the fetishism is rooted in some pretty dated stereotypes and beliefs? Nobody seems to bother as long as the arrangement makes sense to both parties.

Stereotypes about black men Stereotypes about black women
Well-endowed/hung Curvy
Aggressive Loud and argumentative
Hypersexual More sensual

And yes, there are also black sugar babies who prefer to have a black sugar daddy. For black sugar babies looking for a rich black sugar daddy, the motivation may be slightly different though. Some black women prefer dating black men because they want to avoid being fetishized as an “exotic” or racy affair. Going for someone who shares the same ethnic background seems to be a way to avoid certain weird encounters. For these women, dealing with a black sugar daddy can feel easier than going for a white guy who may view them in a different way.


What black sugar babies expect from their black sugar daddy

What black sugar babies expect from their black sugar daddy
What black sugar babies expect from their black sugar daddy

Sugar babies advertise their beauty on their dating profiles and tend to be pretty straightforward about their expectations. Successful sugar babies often state in their profile what their minimum requirements from a sugar daddy are. For attractive sugar babies, the following demands are standard fare:

  • A monthly allowance paid in cash
  • Occasional gifts such as new dresses or jewellery
  • Luxury shopping trips paid by daddy
  • Support with the rent or tuition fees

You think that sounds like an expensive girlfriend to entertain? Rich men are happy to pay the price for a very attractive young girlfriend. Some even go above and beyond to keep their sugar babies happy. The more attractive a sugar baby, the more demanding she can be. Getting the attention of rich men is a piece of cake if you have the right looks. Most sugar babies with model looks know how to use this to their advantage. Some sugar daddies even buy their sugar babies a car or an entire flat.


Finding the right dating app for a black sugar daddy

Finding the right dating app for a black sugar daddy
Finding the right dating app for a black sugar daddy

Whether you are looking for a black sugar daddy or any other rich guy: You want to stay clear of mainstream dating apps. Sugar daddies are most easily found on dating apps that are made for exactly that, sugaring. When comparing sugar daddy apps, use the following guidelines to find the better offerings out there:

  • Sugar babies can sign up for free and use the basic functionalities
  • The website or app offers an income verification procedure for sugar daddies
  • Dating profiles allow you to upload private and public pictures
  • You can save your favorite sugar daddies to easily find past chat histories

It doesn’t hurt to be blunt and honest in your dating profile. If you know what you are looking for, make sure you let others know. Competition among sugar babies for the really rich sugar daddies is fierce, and it is easier for you to stand out when you have a unique profile. Your potential sugar daddy will appreciate it when he knows what he signs up for. If you are still unsure what to make out of sugar dating, check out one of our other blog articles where experienced sugar babies share their personal stories and dating experiences:

  • College Sugar Babes – University students making m0ney from mutually beneficial arrangements and dates
  • Sugar Lifestyle – Discover the glamorous and aspirational life of successful sugar babies
  • Being a Sugar Baby – What it really means to be with a generous older man